Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Look at this child, this kind of picture could be in any of our photo albums, these sickos have to be stopped.

The Madeleine case is sickening enough as it is, I'm angry at those who did it and I'm angry at the stupidity of the parents who let this happen and are now over a month later hitting the TV appeals, a bit fucking late, what could the Pope do more? whats worse than a Fenian? a Fenian mong that's what.
On a sickening turn a woman in Staffordshire has been arrested when she went to a number of hooses claiming to collect money for the Madeleine McCann fund, she was released on bail.
During a press conference in Germany the McCanns were asked:
"How do you feel about the fact that more and more people seem to be pointing the finger at you, saying the way you behave is not the way people would normally behave when their child is abducted and they seem to imply that you might have something to do with it?"Looking horrified, Mrs McCann immediately stepped in with an answer:

"To be honest, I don't actually think that is the case. I think that is a very small minority of people that are criticising us. The facts are that we were dining very close to the children and we were checking them very, very regularly. You know, we are very responsible parents and we love our children so much and I think it is only a very few people that are actually criticising us."

What? responsible? in what world is that behaviour responsible? leaving children that young sleeping or not is no way responsible, how many times did you actually check on them? stupid bastards, so how did yer responsible parenting work out then? I can't believe they still think they did all possible to prevent this occurring and then theres the normal life crap and dragging yer feet after the event, looking sad doesn't cut it, you don't wait a month and then, after you've seen the Pope do the numerous TV appearances.
Its amazing how much white respectable people will be let off with, poor people would have been jumped all over for this. I'm glad someone is finally asking them these questions as I have been doing from the start, and no Mrs McCann its more people than you think, yer bubble of well wishers and yes people wouldn't dream of calling you neglectful and over 80 metres is not very close, you would of heard or saw the pedo if you were in the next room though, think about that.It pains me to think what this gurl and all the other faceless nameless kids are going through right at this very moment in time and it angers me that I can't stop it.
I could kick in a door and kill a pedo or two but I wouldn't know what rock to look under first.
These kind of actions and events cannot be justified religiously or spiritually, when judgement comes it will be God on trial not me.

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